Cgtarian week one

The course started with an hour long introduction. Examples of live action clips were shown, with a variety of takes; some subtle, others not so much. In the forum's part of the site, it was suggested to watch The Human Face, 2001. Please click here to watch.

One of the things that fascinated me, was the importance that each part of the brain plays. The amygdala is the part of the brain that registers emotion, including fear. This can be to the owner's unawareness. Those with non-functioning amygdala cannot register emotions in another's face, but they can learn to be recognised. An example is given how somebody understands the difference between fear and shock, by the corners of the mouth.

Micro-expressions were also discussed, expressions that may only show for a fraction of a second. Secret service people use micro-expressions to spot liars. A sign is the raising of the inner-brows. This is a distress signal. Its important to note that micro-expressions are only indicators of hidden feelings. However, as they should not be there, it raises a case to seek further information.

The brief was to produce reference for a 44-72 frame animation, a close up showing shoulders and head. I knew almost immediately that I wished to do something showcasing positive emotion, rather than negative, to compliment my stand up shot from Anim Squad.

My idea: Its the character's birthday, and his close friend has just purchased him an alcohol shot to spice up the night. The character puts up a little fight, but already knows he's going to be drinking. Here's the ref:

A few things I like about this:
1) The body is closed, shoulders up, at the start of the shot. He's comfortable, but hasn't completely relaxed.
2) He turns away, but the shoulders lower with his defence. It is a good friend that has bought the shot.
3) The tongue poking out at the end. He's a young, cheeky chap.

Mike Safianoff gave the ref a thumbs up, but suggested starting the shot by his eyes following the placement, on the table, of the shot glass. This would help add more specific context to the shot.

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